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Costa Rican Coffee Exports Soar in October, Signaling Robust Growth

A Remarkable Surge in Coffee Exports

Costa Rica, a nation celebrated for its exquisite coffee, witnessed a phenomenal increase in its coffee exports in October, more than doubling compared to the same month last year. This surge, as per the preliminary data released by the National Coffee Institute (ICAFE), marks a significant milestone in the country’s coffee industry.

October’s Record-Breaking Coffee Exports

The start of the 2023/2024 harvesting season saw Costa Rican coffee exports skyrocketing to nearly 19,200 60-kg bags, representing an impressive 120% increase from October last year. This remarkable growth in exports is an encouraging sign for the country’s economy and the global coffee market.

ICAFE’s Response to the Surge

Despite the significant rise in exports, ICAFE has not yet provided a detailed commentary on this unexpected October surge. Typically, October is known for lower export volumes, making this spike in exports particularly noteworthy.

Costa Rica’s Place in the Coffee World

While Costa Rica is one of the smaller coffee producers in Central America, it has gained international acclaim for its high-quality arabica beans. The country’s commitment to quality over quantity has distinguished its coffee in the global market, making it a favorite among coffee connoisseurs.

2023/2024 Harvest Forecast

ICAFE’s estimates for the 2023/2024 coffee harvest predict a yield of 1.465 million bags, showing a slight decrease of 0.2% compared to last season. This forecast suggests a stable production trend, maintaining the high standards that Costa Rican coffee is known for.

The Coffee Season in Central America and Mexico

The coffee season in Central America and Mexico, including Costa Rica, traditionally runs from October to September. This period is crucial for the coffee industry, as it sets the tone for both production and export dynamics throughout the year.

A Bright Future for Costa Rican Coffee

The extraordinary surge in Costa Rica’s coffee exports in October is more than just a monthly statistic; it’s a testament to the country’s growing influence in the global coffee market. As Costa Rica continues to focus on producing high-quality arabica beans, its coffee industry is poised for further growth and success in the international arena.

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